A network of experts in reproductive and children’s environmental health

Toxic Substances in the Workplace and the Environment and Updates in Occupational and Environmental Medicine

March 10 - 12, 2016


This course is presented by the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. It is designed to provide occupational and environmental health professionals and persons from other health-related disciplines with a review and update of current topics in occupational and environmental medicine. The first day of the curriculum will focus on toxic substances in the workplace and the environment. A poster session the evening before will supplement the Toxic Substances course content. The second day and final half-day of the course will cover a multi-topic theme: Updates in Occupational and Environmental Health.

This course is approved for American Board of Preventive Medicine Maintenance of Certification credit and is a comprehensive update for occupational medicine specialists. California Qualified Medical Examiner credit approval is anticipated.

This course is also designed to meet the needs of primary care providers and others engaged in occupational health practice and research including physicians (family physicians, general practitioners, internists, emergency medicine specialists), nurse practitioners and other nursing professionals, as well as physician’s assistants, and industrial hygienists


An attendee completing this course will be able to:

  • Improve their understanding of the role of toxic substances in occupational and environmental health practice;
  • Adopt new medical knowledge into preventive activities addressing emerging risk factors and new diseases entities;
  • Evaluate scientific data in the field of occupational and environmental medicine;
  • Expand the differential diagnosis to incorporate a wider range of environmental and occupational factors and chemical toxicity in disease processes;
  • Increase diagnostic methods and treatment options for selected occupational and environmental conditions;
  • Improve their management in terms of required regulatory management of specific work-related scenarios;
  • Inform the prioritization of clinical care, research, and public health policy with state of the art updates.
Registration and More Information:  http://www.ucsfcme.com/2016/MDM16N01/info.html