A network of experts in reproductive and children’s environmental health

General > Journal Club: Hormesis - Do Little Things Matter? - November 18, 2015

Journal Club: Hormesis - Do Little Things Matter? - November 18, 2015

posted on Mar 16, 2020

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, attendees should be able to:
  • Understand the theory of hormesis
  • Explain the controversy of hormesis as described in the Ames Test research
  • Describe how natural variability may influence research on hormesis
The presenter will begin by describing the study methodologies used in the journal articles to be discussed. This will be followed by a discussion of the results of the studies under consideration and implications for current clinical and public health practice. The presenter will conclude by discussing preventive steps that can be taken to decrease exposure to endocrine disruptors as evidenced in the journal articles.

Articles discussed:

1. Evidence for hormesis in mutagenicity dose-response relationships.
Calabrese EJ, Stanek EJ 3rd, and Nascarella MA
Mutation Research 2011; 726(2): 91-97

2. An illusion of hormesis in the Ames test: Statistical significance is not equivalent to biological significance.
Zeiger E and Hoffmann GR
Mutation Research 2012; 746(1): 89-93

3. The Frequency of U-Shaped Dose Responses in the Toxicological Literature. 
Calabrese EJ and Baldwin LA 
Toxicological Sciences 2001; 62: 330-338

4. Natural Variability and the Influence of Concurrent Control Values on the Detection and Interpretation of Low-Dose or Weak Endocrine Toxicities.
Ashby J, Tinwell H, Odum J, and Lefevre P

Presented by:

J Lowry photoJennifer Lowry, MD, FACMT
Medical Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutic Innovation
Children's Mercy Kansas City
Kansas City, MO  
Region 7 PEHSU