Episode 3: Protecting Children from the Health Effects of Wildfires with Gina Solomon, MD, MPH.

Gina Solmon, MD, MPH is the Principal Investigator for the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit and the Chief of the Division of Occupational, Environmental and Climate Medicine at UCSF. In her role at UCSF, she oversees clinical occupational and environmental health at UCSF Health, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center. She is also the Program Director of the UCSF Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency program, teaches medical and nursing students, and leads the research efforts in the Division. Before coming to UCSF, Dr. Solomon founded and directed the Achieving Resilient Communities program at the Public Health Institute, where she worked from 2018-2023. From 2012-2018 she was appointed by Governor Brown as the Deputy Secretary for Science and Health at the California Environmental Protection Agency. Dr. Solomon previously served as the director of the occupational and environmental medicine residency program at UCSF from 2008-2012, the associate director of the UCSF Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit from 2003-2009, and as a Senior Scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) from 1996-2012.


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